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ANSA-Africa is a project of the Economic Governance Programme, IDASA |
- ANSA-Africa functions primarily as a network to disseminate information and policy on advocating for holding government accountable in its spending of public monies. This network must necessarily be flexible to accommodate a wide range of views, opinions and even conflicting policies. For this reason, the views expressed on the ANSA-Africa web portal are not necessarily the opinions of ANSA-Africa, its founding organisations or its partners, unless they are expressly stated as such.
- The ANSA-Africa name and logo are the intellectual property of the joint initiative of the World Bank and the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa. The ANSA-Africa name and logo may not be used or appropriated by any other person or entity without written permission of the ANSA-Africa Secretariat, based at the HSRC in Pretoria, South Africa.
Corruption fight dealt a blow
14 January 2011
The Nation
Rape is horrifyingly widespread in conflicts all around the world
14 January 2011
The Economist
The other side of the NMG's leaders' scorecard
14 January 2011
The New Times
Delivering good aid?
14 January 2011
Development Policy Blog
Ongeri, national school quotas is the wrong fix
13 January 2011
Daily Nation
Boost for Zimbabwe's education sector results in texts
13 January 2011
Don't chase pupils over fees
13 January 2011
Lusaka Times
Private schools: Demand outstrips supply
13 January 2011
The Citizen
Standard of science education dropping, educationists warn
13 January 2011
UDASA dedicates 2011 to constitutional debate
13 January 2011
Tanzania Daily News
Tell us about events relating to social accountability in the region |