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ANSA-Africa is a project of the Economic Governance Programme, IDASA |
Want to know what the ANSA-Africa community is reading? Our website usage logs show that the following entries are currently the most accessed by website visitors. |
Thematic documents
INFONET: Citizen's engagement in enforcing accountability for the improvement of service delivery in Kenya
John Kippchumba and Phillip Thigo, June 2010
Theme: ICT, Service delivery
The Social Development Networks main aim is to promote and facilitate effective strategic alliances among members and interested groups within Kenya. As a network, SODNETs mandate is anchored on the need to restore the institutional integrity and civic sovereignty of the social sector. INFONET,?
Social Accountability in Africa - Practitioners' Experiences and Lessons
Edited by Mario Claasen and Carmen Alpn-Lardis with Victoria Ayer (SAIIA), 12 May 2010
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
It is our great pleasure to introduce the inaugural edition of the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA-Africa) Social Accountability in Africa volume, produced under the auspices of the ANSA-Africa World Bank-funded development grant facility.
Some recent experience in Community Voice Card: An innovative tool towards assessing service delivery for MDGs
Neela Mukherjee, 2008
Theme: Service delivery
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
Community Voice Card (CVC) is emerging as a handy tool for peoples assessment of delivery of services by different agencies, whether government, non-government or private agencies. Peoples views are important as they are the main clienteles and stakeholders of the development process. The scope of?
Our money, Our Responsibility: A citizens' guide to monitoring government expenditures
Vivek Ramkumar, 2008
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
The International Budget Project (IBP) is pleased to announce the release of its latest publication, "Our Money, Our Responsibility: A Citizens' Guide to Monitoring Government Expenditures." This Guide documents pioneering methodologies used by civil society organizations around the developing world?
Social accountability in the public sector
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
A growing number of authors and practitioners have offered civic engagement as a way to improve the accountability of public institutions and office holders to their constituencies. This paper and learning module attempt to clarify one aspect of the growing literature on civic engagement: societys role?
The Scorecard Toolkit: A generic guide for implementing the scorecard process to improve quality of services
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
This tool kit has been designed to be used by many kinds of users from institutions operating in different sectors. The toolkit is generic in nature and can be applied in any sector, be it health, education, or agriculture. The tool can be used to facilitate good governance through promotion of participation,?
Participatory budgeting in Africa - Volume I: Concepts and Principles
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
This Companion is aimed at helping local governments in Africa and other stakeholders to prepare for, design, initiate and manage a participatory budgeting process, by training key actors who initiate the budgeting processes. Hence, the targeted audiences of the Companion are the facilitators or persons?
Generating genuine demand with social accountability mechanisms
November 2007
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
The World Banks Communication for Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP) held a workshop entitled Generating Genuine Demand with Social Accountability Mechanisms in Paris, France, in November 2007.
Participatory budgeting in Africa - Volume II: Facilitation Methods
Publication type: Toolkits and methodologies
This Companion is aimed at helping local governments in Africa and other stakeholders to prepare for, design, initiate and manage a participatory budgeting process, by training key actors who initiate the budgeting processes. Hence, the targeted audiences of the Companion are the facilitators or persons?
The business of health in Africa: Partnering with the private sector to improve people's lives
January 2008
Theme: Health
This report describes opportunities for engaging and supporting a well managed and effectively regulated private sector to improve the regions health. We hope that governments, donors, investors, nongovernmental organizations, and health care providers will find this research a useful addition to traditional?
Governance Forum challenges Africas heads of state on transparency, legitimacy, participation: African countries commit to strengthening state capacities for good governance
05 November 2007
Theme: Service delivery
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: After three days of around-the-clock deliberations, the 300 delegates at the Seventh Africa Governance Forum (AGFVII) agreed on recommendations to boost the efficiency and responsiveness of African governments to deliver essential social services to their people.?
Is aid channelled through African governments a waste of money?
21 January 2008
Theme: Service delivery
Yes: John O'Shea says Irish aid bestows legitimacy and credibility on rapacious and oppressive governments.
No: Hans Zomer says that without government, there can be no development. Aid comes from the outside, but development must come from within. ?
Can the cellphone help end global poverty?
13 April 2008
Theme: ICT
If you need to reach Jan Chipchase, the best, and sometimes only, way to get him is on his cellphone. The first time I spoke to him last fall, he was at home in his apartment in Tokyo. The next time, he was in Accra, the capital of Ghana, in West Africa. Several weeks after that, he was in Uzbekistan,?
Demolishing Zimbabwe's education system teacher by teacher
08 April 2008
Theme: Education
With the inflation rate at 100,000%, educators simply can't afford to teach. They are fleeing to take menial, but better-paying jobs -- leaving students behind.
Does community monitoring improve public services? Diverging evidence from Uganda and India
16 September 2008
Theme: Service delivery
The push toward community monitoring of public service delivery in development projects is based on the notion that local oversight will raise the social accountability of public service providers and thereby improve the quality of services. Diverging results from evaluations of two community monitoring?
Social accountability imperative to a decent education system
08 September 2008
Theme: Education
Oxford University's Dr David Johnson says that without a strong level of local accountability, education in developing countries will not see its quality increase.
ANSA-Africa - Invitation aux propositions
21 May 2007
Theme: General
Les oprations de l'ANSA-Africa porteront sur un ventail dinterventions et projets sur tout le continent. Lobjectif est de faire en sorte que ces projets soient mens en association avec des partenariats locaux dans les divers rgions et pays. Cette dmarche permettra de donner une bonne base ces?
Mauritius: Women still seeking the political kingdom
16 September 2008
Theme: Gender
PORT-LOUIS, Sep 16 (IPS) - Mauritius -- along with Botswana, Malawi and Madagascar -- did not sign the Gender Protocol at the Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit in August. While the island nation has made some recent progress in political representation of women at the level of Parliament,?
The Next Step: Civil Society Mobilization in Africas AIDS Fight
14 January 2008
Theme: Health
In the past seven years, the world has witnessed at least three hopeful trends in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa: (1) funding for AIDS prevention, care, support, and treatment programs has reached an all-time high; (2) the HIV prevalence rate has declined in some countries; and (3) most African?
Trevor Manuel: Steve Biko memorial lecture
11 September 2008
Theme: Service delivery
Ninth Annual Steve Biko memorial lecture delivered by Minister of Finance T Manuel, in Cape Town.
- ANSA-Africa stakeholder conference: Growing the social accountability network
19 May 2008 - 20 May 2008
Theme: General
- Sixth African Development Forum to focus on gender issue
19 November 2008 - 21 November 2008
Theme: Gender
- Monitoring of budgets and tracking expenditure for health and HIV/AIDS in Africa
18 June 2007 - 30 June 2007
Theme: Health
- Challenges of social and economic research in todays Mozambique
01 September 2007
Theme: Service delivery
- eLearning Africa Call for Proposals
28 May 2008 - 30 May 2008
Theme: ICT
- Africa Regional Workshop: Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS
28 January 2008 - 15 February 2008
Theme: Health
- Accountability, Governance, and Quality of Decentralized Education in Africa
01 August 2007 - 31 March 2007
Theme: Education
- Collective Consultation of NGOs: On education for all
03 September 2007 - 05 September 2007
Theme: Education
- Third EQUINET Regional Conference on Equity in Health in east and southern Africa
23 September 2009 - 25 September 2009
Theme: Health
- Workshop on Gender, Media and Democracy
29 October 2007 - 02 November 2007
Theme: Gender
Power to the principals
14 January 2011
The Witness
Food prices can't just be swept under the table
14 January 2011
The Guardian
Corruption fight dealt a blow
14 January 2011
The Nation
Rape is horrifyingly widespread in conflicts all around the world
14 January 2011
The Economist
The other side of the NMG's leaders' scorecard
14 January 2011
The New Times
Delivering good aid?
14 January 2011
Development Policy Blog
Ongeri, national school quotas is the wrong fix
13 January 2011
Daily Nation
Boost for Zimbabwe's education sector results in texts
13 January 2011
Don't chase pupils over fees
13 January 2011
Lusaka Times
Private schools: Demand outstrips supply
13 January 2011
The Citizen
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