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ANSA-Africa is a project of the Economic Governance Programme, IDASA |
ANSA events:
Training of Trainers: Workshop on Community Score Card
27 October 2010 - 31 October 2010
CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CART)
Public Dialogue: Governance & transparency in extractive industries (West African)
01 June 2010 - 03 June 2010
Public Dialogue: Governance & transparency in extractive industries (Southern Africa)
27 May 2010 - 28 May 2010
Book Launch: Social Accountability in Africa - Practitioners' Experiences and Lessons
12 May 2010
The Affiliated Network on Social Accountability-Africa (ANSA-A) and The Economic Governance Programme of IDASA (IDASA-EGP)
Public Procurement Monitoring Forum: Advancing citizens' engagement with government through social accountability
06 May 2010 - 07 May 2010
ANSAat COP15: Social Accountability - Connecting citizens and governments towards effective climate change response
16 December 2009
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA)
ICTs for Governance Public Dialogue
09 October 2009 - 10 October 2009
ANSA-Africa stakeholder conference: Growing the social accountability network
19 May 2008 - 20 May 2008
Conferncia de partes interessadas
19 May 2008 - 19 May 2008
Confrence des parties intresses organise par lANSA-Africa
19 May 2008 - 20 May 2008
National workshop on social accountability
07 February 2008 - 09 February 2008
World Bank, PIC, PGRM, PGDI projects, and ANSA-Africa
Strategic planning meeting: ANSA-Africa Executive Committee
12 April 2007 - 13 April 2007
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability Stakeholder Workshop
12 December 2006
HSRC - ANSA Africa
Other events:
The 14th International Anti-Corruption Conference Restoring trust: Global action for transparency
10 November 2010 - 13 November 2010
International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC)
Gouvernance et Petite Agriculture en Afrique de lOuest: Appel soumission darticles
08 November 2010 - 10 November 2010
Programme de Gouvernance Economique, Idasa
Governance and Small-scale Agriculture in West Africa: Call for papers
08 November 2010 - 10 November 2010
Idasa Economic Governance Programme
Caribbean Public Procurement (Law & Practice) Conference (CPPC)
10 October 2010 - 12 October 2010
Carribean Procurement Institute
Southern Africa Regional Policy Roundtable on tax justice
14 September 2010 - 15 September 2010
AFRODAD in collaboration with IDASA and the Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJN-A)
Gendered Terrain: Women's Rights and Access to Land in Africa
14 September 2010 - 16 September 2010
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
PEGNet Conference 2010: Policies to foster and sustain equitable development in times of crises
02 September 2010 - 03 September 2010
Poverty Reduction, Equity, and Growth Network's (PEGNet)
Invitation to the launch of the Open Society Monitoring Index (OSMI)
12 August 2010
Open Society Foundation for South Africa (OSF-SA)
SixthSADC Civil Society Forum
01 August 2010
SADC-CNGO in collaboration with FOCCISA and SATUCC
ICT and Civic Engagement in Nigeria: the 2011 Presidential Election and Beyond
19 July 2010
ALGAF seminar paper: Aid accountability; the role of local authorities in improving aid effectiveness
11 June 2010
Uganda Management Institute (UMI)
Africa Liberation Day
25 May 2010
Jointly convened by Fahamu, UN Millennium Campaign, Oxfam International and Kenya Human Rights Commission
SADRN Policy Makers Workshop: Reflections of policy research and capacity building networks in Southern Africa
20 May 2010 - 21 May 2010
Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN)
Invitation to Presentation of Results of Baseline Study on Social Accountability
14 May 2010
Forum Syd - Africa
Regional conference on Africa's oil, gas and mineral resources for development: the role of legislators, civil society and media
11 May 2010 - 13 May 2010
Policy Forum
Video Conference: Tenth Edition of the Africa Local Government Action Forum
05 March 2010
A workshop on social accountability in India: Moving from mechanisms to outcomes and institutionalization in large sale public
16 December 2009 - 17 December 2009
CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CUTS CART)
Resolving the implementation gridlock
19 November 2009
Call for papers: Governance and Small-scale Agriculture in Southern Africa
09 November 2009 - 11 November 2009
Idasa Economic Governance Programme
The Inyathelo Conference 2009
02 November 2009 - 05 November 2009
Inyathelo - the South African Institute for Advancement
5th annual SANGONeT "ICTs for Civil Society" Conference
15 October 2009 - 21 October 2009
Seminar: Alternative Policies to Address Poverty and Inequality in Africa
23 September 2009
Idasa & ANSA-Africa
Third EQUINET Regional Conference on Equity in Health in east and southern Africa
23 September 2009 - 25 September 2009
Invitation: Regional forum on Africa Local Council Oversight and Social Accountability (ALCOSA)
01 June 2009 - 02 June 2009
Uganda Local Governments Association (ULGA)
Advanced Monitoring & Evaluation Course
20 April 2009 - 24 April 2009
NGO Consultancy Africa
4th EITI International Conference
16 February 2009 - 18 February 2009
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Sixth African Development Forum to focus on gender issue
19 November 2008 - 21 November 2008
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
eLearning Africa Call for Proposals
28 May 2008 - 30 May 2008
eLearning Africa
Maputo to host the 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa
05 May 2008 - 09 May 2008
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Access to health care in Africa - changing the paradigm for access and quality
16 April 2008 - 18 April 2008
ARV Access for Africa (AA4A)
Participation & accountability: Africa regional conference and workshop on participatory budgeting
10 March 2008 - 13 March 2008
REPOA training workshop on budget analysis
10 March 2008 - 12 March 2008
Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA)
Africa Regional Workshop: Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS
28 January 2008 - 15 February 2008
The Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA)
International Consultation on Islam and HIV/AIDS
26 November 2007
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Building African Women's Movement
19 November 2007 - 22 November 2007
Just Associates (JASS), in partnership with Action Aid International and Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, (OSISA)
NFU Conference: Making Institutions Work for the Poor?
05 November 2007 - 07 November 2007
Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU)
Workshop on Gender, Media and Democracy
29 October 2007 - 02 November 2007
Southern African Media & Gender Institute (SAMGI)
EQUINET Regional training on writing skills - call for participants
20 October 2007 - 24 October 2007
Gender democracy and development: African feminist struggles in the context of globalization
11 September 2007 - 14 September 2007
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP)
Course: Building capacity for rights: democracy and development in Africa
10 September 2007 - 20 September 2007
The course is jointly organised by KIT and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) at the University of the Witwatersrand
Collective Consultation of NGOs: On education for all
03 September 2007 - 05 September 2007
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Desafios da investigao social e econmica no Moambique de hoje
01 September 2007
Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Econmicos (IESE)
Challenges of social and economic research in todays Mozambique
01 September 2007
Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IESE)
Rural and Poverty Reporting Course
06 August 2007 - 17 August 2007
Sponsored by NiZA
Accountability, Governance, and Quality of Decentralized Education in Africa
01 August 2007 - 31 March 2007
Programme in Public Sector Finance
30 July 2007
University of Stellenbosch Business School
Engaging with fragile states: Challenges and opportunities
24 July 2007 - 25 July 2007
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG)
Accelerating achievement of the Millennium Goals: What should we say, or do on July 7, 2007?
07 July 2007
7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government: Building Trust in Government
26 June 2007 - 29 June 2007
United Nations
Monitoring of budgets and tracking expenditure for health and HIV/AIDS in Africa
18 June 2007 - 30 June 2007
The Centre for Economic Governance and AIDS in Africa (CEGAA) and the International Budget Project (IBP)
World Economic Forum on Africa 2007
13 June 2007 - 15 June 2007
World Economic Forum
E-Learning web based course in participatory budgeting
01 June 2007
eLearning Africa, 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training
28 May 2007 - 30 May 2007
eLearning Africa
World Health Day 2007: International Health Security
07 April 2007
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Third segment of the Africa good governance program on the Radio Waves: Municipal finance and participatory budgeting
07 April 2007
Municipal Development Partnership for Eastern and Southern Africa, The World Bank
Web Based Course on Participatory Budgeting and Social Accountability
01 February 2007
Corruption fight dealt a blow
14 January 2011
The Nation
Rape is horrifyingly widespread in conflicts all around the world
14 January 2011
The Economist
The other side of the NMG's leaders' scorecard
14 January 2011
The New Times
Delivering good aid?
14 January 2011
Development Policy Blog
Ongeri, national school quotas is the wrong fix
13 January 2011
Daily Nation
Boost for Zimbabwe's education sector results in texts
13 January 2011
Don't chase pupils over fees
13 January 2011
Lusaka Times
Private schools: Demand outstrips supply
13 January 2011
The Citizen
Standard of science education dropping, educationists warn
13 January 2011
UDASA dedicates 2011 to constitutional debate
13 January 2011
Tanzania Daily News
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