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ANSA-Africa is a project of the Economic Governance Programme, IDASA |
Stakeholders in the general social accountability arena
Broadly speaking, ANSA-Africa's primary stakeholders fall into three categories. The first category is composed of individual citizens who have an interest in social acountability issues. The second category, probably the most important in helping ANSA-Africa to leverage interest and involvement in accountability processes, are organised initiatives (CBOs, NGOs etc) located and active in individual African countries. A third category would be cross-country, regional or contintental initiatives or networks, often formed around sectoral issues (gender, health, education etc).
Since ANSA-Africa is not a strict membership based organisation, it follows that its stakeholders are constituted on the basis of a synergistic relationship whether it be ad-hoc or a more structured relationship - between any of the above categories and the secretariat in pursuance of promoting social accountability processes. ANSA-Africa will operate as an organic network; hence the level of involvement will not be static but will contantly evolve. The challenge thus becomes one of developing a dynamic set of interactions beween the secretariat and partners.
Clearly, different stakeholders will have different levels of interest, depending on their interests and agendas and the extent to which ANSA-Africa's goals aligned with their own initiatives and interests. Thus, these interests could range over the following:
- be limited to sourcing information from ANSA-Africa's dissemination channels (ie the website);
- a more interactive relationship in using ANSA-Africa's resources to promote their own activities and dissemination initiatives;
- becoming active participants of ANSA-Africa initiatives and projects;
- becoming involved in ANSA-Africa projects throughout the continent as advisors, team members or team leaders; or
- a formal partnership nature e.g. becoming an implementation or strategic partner of ANSA-Africa.
The ultimate measure of success will be the extent to which more passive members of the network adopt a more active role in ANSA-Africa activities.
The categories of roleplayers or partners is very broad and should include all the various dimensions and groupings involved in social accountability. The following list is not exhaustive but gives a general indication:
- citizens and communities;
- citizen organisations such as NGOs, CSOs etc;
- government (all levels);
- government related institutions and bodies;
- researchers;
- development institutions;
- donor organisarions;
- the media;
- the ANSA-Africa Executive Committee and Technical Advisory Group;
- other technical advisors; and
- any other interested parties.
The ideal is to develop a situation where a growing part of this stakeholder base is organised and part of the network.
Power to the principals
14 January 2011
The Witness
Food prices can't just be swept under the table
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The Guardian
Corruption fight dealt a blow
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The Nation
Rape is horrifyingly widespread in conflicts all around the world
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The Economist
The other side of the NMG's leaders' scorecard
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The New Times
Delivering good aid?
14 January 2011
Development Policy Blog
Ongeri, national school quotas is the wrong fix
13 January 2011
Daily Nation
Boost for Zimbabwe's education sector results in texts
13 January 2011
Don't chase pupils over fees
13 January 2011
Lusaka Times
Private schools: Demand outstrips supply
13 January 2011
The Citizen
Tell us about events relating to social accountability in the region |