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Professionals warn over county jobs
27 September 2010
Sunday Nation

Nairobi: A sense of frustration is growing among new professionals and young people with political ambitions who had hoped to make their mark in the Second Republic. They are concerned that the old guard refuses to give way and has already begun to jockey for the newly-minted county jobs. Professionals are sounding the alarm that the devolved units or counties risk being turned into "eating grounds for the rich old guard" at the expense of service delivery.

Professionals from various counties who have been meeting to map out priorities for their regions say many of those who have expressed interest in contesting seats, especially for governor, have displayed a serious lack of understanding of the expected responsibilities. The overriding observation by key professional groups has been that, as the counties have been given major responsibilities, it would be risky to entrust their management to charlatans and self-seeking politicians.

No doubt, given the role allocated to the counties in the new law, future governors should brace themselves for back-breaking responsibilities.

Dr Daniel Ichang'i, chairman of the Association of Professional Societies of East Africa, said there is growing concern that, as experienced politicians move to seek posts of senator and governor, candidates with deep pockets but fewer scruples may run for seats in the National Assembly, probably the most powerful institution. This, in turn, could prevent youthful contenders with lesser means from seeking office.

"Due to the heavy responsibilities bestowed upon the office, the occupiers should be people with a foresight and those seeking to lead various positions should be vetted carefully to ensure their track records are clean," Dr Ichang'i said. "The conversation about who should get what post should change and be directed towards challenges that come with the jobs."

Prof Chacha Nyaigoti-Chacha said counties should be run by intellectuals. "Members of the intellectual community who have been hibernating in offices reading books, experimenting in laboratories and intellectualising in classrooms should come out and take leadership positions."

Law Society of Kenya council member Eric Mutua and Susan Kariuki of the Youth Agenda cautioned that the intense focus on the counties has been driven primarily by the hunger for jobs, political influence and control of devolved funds, ignoring service delivery.

Youth groups have introduced a generational angle to the narrative and are asking the old guard to give way to what they are calling the "post-independence generation".

Ms Kariuki said there is growing discomfort among young people that the "political retirees" have, in the words of historian William Ochieng, "taken their soiled suits to the laundry" in readiness for the forthcoming senatorial and gubernatorial races. "Various players have engaged in discussions which imply that positions of governor, deputy governor and senator are to be filled by retirees."

But what are the responsibilities of the governors and senators? The senator will be the county political representative in the Senate (Upper House), while the governor will be the chief executive, overseeing the day-to-day running of the unit and utilisation of its resources. The counties will receive 15 per cent of national revenue in addition to taxes collected for the local delivery of services.

"The governor is the person to be," said former Subukia MP Koigi wa Wamwere. "Kenyans with a vision should go for the governorship. It is the position that can make a difference because a governor has the wherewithal with which to transform a region."

Expansion of trade and proper utilisation of revenue, Dr Ichang'i said, will call for innovation. "Some counties are likely to prosper while others could sink into poverty due to mismanagement."

Former assistant minister Adams Karauri reckoned that governors should be "managers with a political mind. They must understand the political sensitivities generated by their decisions". Mr Karauri plans to seek the Meru senate seat.

But for the LSK's Mutua, accountability will be the major challenge in county management. "If people are not careful they will either get dictators or very weak and incompetent governors," he said.

He said governors have been empowered to pick members of the county executive committee, a sort of think-tank Cabinet. "A governor can use the position to reward his cronies or relatives," he said.

Mr Wamwere thinks counties may be used to entrench tribalism and corruption. "They provide an avenue for ethnic elite to take over regions."

Ms Kariuki said the county jobs should go to qualified candidates regardless of tribe.

Keywords: local government, service delivery, Kenya

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