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ANSA-Africa is a project of the Economic Governance Programme, IDASA |
Monitoringthe education sectorin Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana:
new perspectives
Internationally respectedAfricanresearch and civil society organisations have recently published a setofreports onthe performance of the education sector in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana. The reportscover important policy issues, notablythequality of learning and classroom interaction in primary schools andmonitoring and tracking aspects of thenational education budget. The reportsnot only advance our understanding of different aspects of the education sector in both countriesbutevaluate accountability processeswithin the sector.As such, the reportsshouldinform the work ofeducation specialists in other Africa countries.
Social Accountability baseline study report: Forum Syd Tanzania
Forum Syd's Tanzania office has launched a three year social accountability programme in the Kagera and Mwanza regions. The program started this year and is expected be completed in 2013. In order to make an informed decision on which interventions to apply and how they should be prioritised, Forum Syd commissioned a baseline study in the districts in which the programme will operate. This report focuses on the three pre-selected districts within the target regions and provides recommendations on appropriate interventions and benchmarks against which future progress can be measured and evaluated. The report of a very innovative social accountability benchmarking process can be read not only for the input it makes into a developing programme but for lessons of replicability by agencies in other countries across Africa.
Social Accountability for Improved Governance and Achieving the MDGs
UNDP Oslo Governance Centre (OGC)
October 2010
The UNDP Oslo Governance Centre (OGC) and Civil Society Division are seeking a consultant to author the introductory chapter to a forthcoming publication on social acccountability and governance issues. This comparative experience publication will be divided into six sections: an introductory chapter, and five regional chapters covering Asia-Pacific, Arab states, Africa, Europe/CIS and Latin America and the Caribbean. It will analyze the regional context and illustrate experiences in using social accountability principles and tools for MDG tracking and monitoring and how they have contributed to improving MDGs strategies and programming, as well as contributed to overall improvements in democratic governance.
Social accountability in Africa: Practitioner's Experiences and Lessons
This handbook, published in May 2010 by ANSA-Africa, continues to draw huge interest by users in Africa and wider afield. Read a review by Sheka Bangura: Rethinking accountability in Africa - a practitioner's perspective on the CoP-MfDR website. Critique de livre
Demanding Good Governance: Lessons from Social Accountability Initiatives in Africa
Sanjay Pradhan (Vice President, WBI): "The case studies represent a cross-section of African countries, drawing on initiatives launched and implemented both by civil society groups and by local and national governments in countries with different political contexts and cultures."
Access our Southern and West African Extractive Industries and Social Accountability conference papers
ANSA-Africa and a range of partners recently hosted workshops on governance and transparency in the extractive industries sector in Johannesburg (South Africa) and Saly (Senegal). The extractive industries sector is well known for being the most non-transparent and unaccountable sector in the world. Read the various country papers, complemented by thematic presentations, from both conferences.
Social acccountability processes in the health sector in Rajasthan, India: tracking service provider absenteeism through community mobilisation |
The CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research and Training (CART) is undertaking an ambitious programme tobuild accountabilityofservice providers in the health sector in the state of Rajasthan.The project hasdevelopedan innovative community-based model of monitoring service delivery in hospitals in order to enhance accountability of frontline service providers and thus improve the effectiveness ofpublic spending in the health sector. The project involvesspot-checks on the providers absence at their job sites bya community based monitoring format. The projectalso exploresthe reasons for service provider absencewhile also aiming tostrengthen the bond between service providers and service recipients for exacting enhanced accountability.The final outcome of the project will be a community-based model of monitoring service delivery institutions at grass root and a policy brief for policy makers. (Initial findings and dissemination issues)
Documentary film
Training of Trainers: Workshop on Community Score Card
The project has produced a ten minute documentary titled Engaging Communities in Health Services' which depicts CUTS CART interventions.
Access the video and graphic here. |
27 October 2010 - 31 October 2010
CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CART)
Venue: Jaipur, India
CUTS International is organising a five-day workshop, as part of an ongoing project, to produce master trainers with basic skills to conduct a community scorecard. Renowned resource persons will preside over various sessions of the workshop. The medium will be English.
Open Budget Survey 2010
International Budget Partnership (IBP)
The Citizens Manifesto: A National Synthesis Report
Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF)
September 2010 |
Innovative social accountability tools and projects |
The Lusaka Declaration on mining taxation
International Alliance on Natural Resources in Africa (IANRA)
8 October 2010
We, the representatives of civil society organisations from eight countries in Africa and the Netherlands, namely Angola, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, RSA, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, having met under the auspices of The International Alliance on Natural Resources in Africa (IANRA) and Caritas Zambia, having shared experiences and knowledge pertaining to the detrimental effects of extant mining legislation and practice in our respective countries, hereby declare our unflinching solidarity with our civil society colleagues in Zambia in their demands for the review of mining legislation to mainstream cardinal values of social justice, environmental protection, sustainable development and equitable benefits emanating therefrom for all Zambians.
2011 budget statement, not an ordinary one - Finance Minister
27 October 2010
Ghana Government Portal
Auditor-General's position should not be politicised - Kan Dapaah
27 October 2010
The Mail
Reps summon defence, finance ministers over poor state of economy
27 October 2010
Nigerian Tribune
Fiscal purse to stay wide open
27 October 2010
The Namibian
Thembinkosi Dlamini and Russell Wildeman: Democracy
27 October 2010
Business Day
Donors, recipients agree on new accountability systems
27 October 2010
New Era
South Africa finance minister to play fiscal hardball, not politics
27 October 2010
Stakeholders urged to study the budget
27 October 2010
Zambian Chronicle
No more Budget Day, and we need to move fast to enact laws on spending
27 October 2010
Daily Nation
Government still stingy with budget info
27 October 2010
The Namibian
Tell us about events relating to social accountability in the region |