Social accountability and service delivery in Ethiopia: PBS review and documentation
18 January 2011
Since the Protection of Basic Services(PBS) programme started in 2006, Ethiopia has made strong progress to expand and improve the delivery of basic services. This resulted in an increased net primary enrollment rate from 68.5 percent (2005) to 83.5 percent (2009), and an improved child immunization?
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Social Accountability: the Ethiopian Experiment
Dr Samuel Taddesse, 4 January 2011
After a focus group discussion with the evaluation team, Ato Lemma, a schoolteacher in Hakim, Hararge asked rhetorically, "What do I want for my family and myself? And what do my friends and neighbors want? What do you want for your family and yourself?" and answered his question by saying, "Isn't?
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Achieving Results: Four Challenges to Government, Donors and MPs
December 2010
Donors and the Government meet in December 2010 for the General Budget Support (GBS) Annual Review. During this review achievements of the past year will be considered and commitments for next year made. If all goes well, donors will pledge hundreds of millions of dollars in budget support to the?
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ACRN newsletter: Mobilising global knowledge against corruption
December 2010
The fifth issue of Anti-Corruption Research News contains recent insights and activities in anti-corruption research, synthesised for scholars, policy-makers and anti-corruption practitioners. This newsletter is part of the Anti-Corruption Research Network (ACRN), an initiative by Transparency International?
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Kenyans say local authorities procurement still a mystery
30 November 2010
Kenyan citizens feel so strongly that they have not been involved in the procurement processes at Local Authorities (LA's) as per applicable laws, a new survey report commissioned by Kara and supported by Usaid/PactKenya now reveals. The majority (76%) of members of the public in all LA's sampled?
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How are our monies spent? The public expenditure review in eight Constituencies (2005/2006 - 2008/2009)
This study was carried out by ActionAid International-Kenya (AAIK) whose key role in the People's Participation towards Equity (PPE) program is to enhance community participation in p verty reduction efforts. At the sub-national levels, there is a special focus on ensuring the participation of marginalized?
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Water Sector Governance in Africa
November 2010
Financing from official development assistance and national budgets is clearly not sufficient to close the financing gap in the water and sanitation sector, the African Development Bank (AfDB) says, on the eve of the 3rd Africa Water Week, calling for more innovative sources of funding.?
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First annual report on corruption trends in Uganda: using the Data Tracking Mechanism
November 2010
Corruption remains an impediment to development and a barrier to poverty reduction in Uganda and in many other African countries. This study has defined corruption as “abuse of office for private gain” and recent surveys, coupled with nationally produced data, indicate that corruption in Uganda is?
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Africa's Future and the World Bank's Role in it: comments invited
15 November 2010
The World Bank is inviting comments on its newly released draft strategy for Africa, Africa’s Future and the World Bank’s Role in it, aimed at steering its policies and operations in the Sub Saharan region for the next five years.
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It's our water too! Bringing greater equity in access to water in Kenya
5 November 2010
Absence of a formula based approach to budget allocation at the Ministry of Water and Irrigation has led to large inequities for water access in Kenya, with the poor paying more compared to the rich, and millions going without adequate access everyday.
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Can people follow their money? Budget transparency in East Africa
November 2010
Without information about budget allocations and execution, citizens are left clueless on how their tax money is spent. Public scrutiny of the budget process is an important element of any system of checks and balances. How do countries in East Africa fare in this regard?
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Citizens' agenda for Africa's development: A report on African citizens' consultations
28 October 2010
2010 is an important year for Africa for various reasons. Of these, perhaps the most important is that firstly, this year marks the beginning of the decade in which most of its countries will celebrate 50 years of independence, and secondly, it is the starting point for the new AU/NEPAD African Action?
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The Nairobi Social Audit Report
18 October 2010
The Government of Kenya is spending considerable resources at the constituency level. In 2009/10 at least 73billion went towards decentralised fund spending. This averages into Ksh 350million per constituency for local development. Through the CDF, LATF and ESP alone approximately 50billion was spent?
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PBS II Social Accountability Program: Phase 2 Implementation Plan
Dr Samuel Taddesse, Biraj Swain, Merga Afeta, Gadissa Bultosa, Dr Renu Khosla and Sidhartha Patnaik, October 2010
This document outlines the design and implementation of the Social Accountability Program under the Protection of Basic Services (PBS) II. The Sub?program C, part 2 (C2) on Social Accountability, hereafter referred to as Phase II ? Social Accountability Program (Phase II?SAP), is?
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The Courts, Accountability and Participatory Democracy
Advocate Geoff Budlender, October 2010
Irene Grootboom brought the first successful socio-economic rights case to the Constitutional Court. The case tested the Court. We had adopted a Constitution which deliberately included social and economic rights, in recognition of the fact that full democracy is more than the right to vote: it also?
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Assessing Progress in Africa toward the Millennium Development Goals
The 2010 Assessing Progress toward the MDGs in Africa report is based on the latest updated and harmonized data from United Nations agencies and OECD statistics databases. UNSD is the official repository of data for assessing progress toward the MDGs.
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The Citizens Manifesto: A National Synthesis Report
September 2010
For long citizens have been passive and reactive actors in the political process in general and in deepening electoral democracy in particular. Through the CM - an initiative that is defined both as a process and an output, citizens have taken the foundational steps to reversing their passive and?
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Uganda Local Government Councils Score Card Report 2008/09: A comparative analysis of findings and recommendations for action
Godber Tumushabe, Lillian Muyomba-Tamale, Eugene Ssemakula and Daniel Lukwago, September 2010
The Local Government Score Card (LGCSC) is an independent assessment tool to assess the performance of local government councils in Uganda. It was initiated in 2009 under the Local Government Councils Score Card (LGCSC) Initiative of the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE).?
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Budget Division: Budget Manual
September 2010
Budget Manual is a compendium of general provisions and procedures relating to Budget making to be followed by all offices in the Union Government which are involved in the budgeting exercise and dealing with matters relating to Budget.
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The Citizens' Budget: A simplified version of the National Budget 2010/11
Policy Forum has released a simplified version of the national budget for the financial year 2010/11 as part of its objective towards encouraging active citizens' voice through the popularisation of government documents. Policy Forum believes and making budgetary information more accessible to the?
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Electricity Governance Initiative (EGI) Newsletter: Volume I, Issue 2
August 2010
Electricity Governance Initiative in South Africa has released a groundbreaking report, “The Governance of Power: Shedding Light on the Electricity Sector in South Africa.” The report, coordinated by Idasa, contains hard-hitting analysis of the governance challenges facing key national institutions,?
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Social Accountability baseline study report:Forum Syd Tanzania
Editrudith Lukanga, 30 July 2010
Forum Syd's Tanzania office has launched a three year social accountability programme in the Kagera and Mwanza regions. The program started this year and is expected be completed in 2013. In order to make an informed decision on which interventions to apply and how they should be prioritised, Forum?
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The MPs Budget Watch: Budget Digest
July 2010
This years' budget was prepared at a time when the country had received adequate rains and against a backdrop of political stability and an economy that had showed signs of recovery.
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Demanding Good Governance: Lessons from Social Accountability Initiatives in Africa
Mary McNeil and Carmen Malena, 2010
This is a challenging time for Africa. The combined effects of the global economic crisis, the need for equitable allocation of natural resource assets, and the ever-changing balance of influence and power between the developed and developing worlds are requiring African countries to re-evaluate their?
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Social accountability in the water and sanitation sector: Selected readings
22 July 2010
In recent years the Honduran municipality of Puerto Corts has received significant attention for managing its own water and sanitation sectors. National reforms made this possible.
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Natural resources revenue management as a means for poverty reduction
Martin Osok, 2 July 2010
Governance as the exercise of political authority for purposes of managing the affairs of a society has been around throughout the history of mankind. Its formalization in the era of the modern political state has sharply brought to focus the reciprocal relationship between the state and her citizens.?
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Millennium Development Goals Report Card: Learning from Progress
2 July 2010
The last two decades have shown that it is possible to defeat the scourge of poverty. Progress has not been uniform across countries, and there have been setbacks and disappointments. But overall, the rate of progress in reducing poverty and in increasing access to basic health, education, water,?
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Will Shs 1.5 trillion be well managed? Findings from the performance audit of road works
26 June 2010
Poor transport networks are a huge obstacle to economic growth in Tanzania. To address this, significant money is allocated in the budget to infrastructure development.
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Gender Budgeting Report 2010-2011
25 June 2010
We strongly believe that people are at the centre of a comprehensive and sustainable social and economic development framework. At the end of the day all activities of the government must create positive impact for people. Since the people comprise heterogeneous groups which face different realities,?
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What Will It Take to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals?
June 2010
Based on a review of 50 country studies, this Assessment finds that the resources and know-how necessary to achieve the MDGs exist. Acceleration of progress over the next five years will need to focus on continuing proven strategies, policies and interventions and making a radical break with those?
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Social accountability: Tools and mechanisms for improved urban water services
Written by Yael Velleman, Supported by Timeyin Uwejamomere, Mary O’Connell, Tom Slaymaker and the Policy and Campaigns Department at WaterAid, June 2010
The WaterAid paper Water utilities that work for poor people - increasing viability through pro-poor service delivery discussed the need for specific pro-poor measures to ensure water service provision to poor urban populations.
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Evaluation and Design of Social Accountability Component of the Protection of Basic Services Project
Dr Samuel Taddesse, Biraj Swain, Merga Afeta and Gadissa Bultosa, June 2010
This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an independent evaluation conducted of the PBS I Social Accountability Program which was piloted across Ethiopia between January 2008 and June 2009 following comprehensive knowledge sharing and planning.
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Gender Mainstreaming in Local Economic Development Strategies: A guide
Taking into account the needs, priorities and opinions of both women and men of the territory, ensuring that both benefit equally from social change and economic growth, and that gender inequalities are eliminated, are all essential for the success of any local economic development (LED) strategy?
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INFONET: Citizen's engagement in enforcing accountability for the improvement of service delivery in Kenya
John Kippchumba and Phillip Thigo, June 2010
The Social Development Network’s main aim is to promote and facilitate effective strategic alliances among members and interested groups within Kenya. As a network, SODNET’s mandate is anchored on the need to restore the institutional integrity and civic sovereignty of the social sector. INFONET,?
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The Working Paper Series: A Summary
The CoST Working Paper Series is intended to support the rollout of CoST and transparency in the construction sector more generally. This note summarizes the series.
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Consultative Citizens Report Card
June 2010
Under the administration, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has introduced a number of initiatives to improve services for city residents. Some sound progress is being made on these initiatives, including on refuse collection, sanitation, and public basic education. This report highlighted, a?
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Nigerian Procurement Observatory launches
4 June 2010
Lagos: The Nigerian Procurement Observatory is now live, online real time. The Observatory is a procurement monitoring web portal, developed in consultation with many NGO's and development agencies in Nigeria. It provides free online?
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Communiqu issued at the end of the Training-the-Trainers Capacity Building on the Public Procurement Act (PPA) 2007 Monitoring and Observation for CSOs
4 June 2010
The workshop, which was organized by Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) in collaboration with Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP), had a consortium of CSOs and other Non-State Actors (NSAs) in attendance. Also in attendance are the Executive Director of CISLAC Auwal Musa Rafsanjani?
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Delivering Service Indicators in Education and Health in Africa: a proposal
Tessa Bold, Bernard Gauthier, Jakob Svensson and Waly Wane, 2010
Access to quality services – in particular in health and education – has been recognized as fundamental for wellbeing and economic development (World Bank, 2003). However, in Africa and other developing countries, service delivery is often poor or nonexistent: schools and health clinics are not open?
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Aid and Budget Transparency in Mozambique: Constraints for Civil Society, the Parliament and the Government
May 2010
Transparent budget processes are critical in democratic societies and citizens have the right to know where and how their resources are being invested. In Mozambique, where nearly half of the budget is financed by external aid, aid transparency becomes an important factor in supporting this democratic?
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Newsletter of Idasa's Local Governance Unit: Local Governance Barometer
May 2010
With the recent wave of democratisation in southern Africa the emphasis is now on how to improve the system of local government. Democratisation in the region marked the development of municipal legislation which requires not only that policies, structures and processes change, but that the very culture?
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The challenge of Nigeria@ 50: Civil society perspective
Otive Igbuzor, 6 May 2010
Nigeria is fifty years old having gained independence in 1960. Fifty years is a significant year in the life of any organisation or nation. It is the year of jubilee and it has symbolic and spiritual significance. It is therefore a good year to reflect on the challenges facing the nation.
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The NairobiDeclaration on Taxation and Development
8 April 2010
In March 2010 delegates from 17 countries and 3 continents met in Nairobi, Kenya for a Pan-African Conference on Tax and Development. Hosted by Tax Justice Network for Africa, the conference had three key themes: harnessing domestic tax policies for development; taxation of extractive?
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Building cities: neighbourhood upgrading and urban quality of life
Eduardo Rojas, 2010
Throughout the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, public resources are commonly used to solve the physical and social integration problems of illegal city neighbourhoods. These settlement upgrading programmes, as they are known, are integrated interventions financed with resources from central,?
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Ethics, accountability, transparency, integrity and professionalism in the public service: the case of Uganda
Dr David KW Ssonko, April 2010
Scandals involving public officials have often captured world attention. Most of these scandals are as a result of the deteriorating ethical behaviours of the public officials who have indulged themselves into all sorts of malpractices. There is therefore a genuine demand that public sector institutions?
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Southern Africa: 2020 vision
Edited by Mark Hannam and Jonathan Wolff, 17 March 2010
On the 24th and the 25th of August 2009, a conference took place in Windhoek, Namibia with the title: Southern Africa: 2020 Vision. Public Policy Priorities for the Next Decade. The conference brought together academics, civil society activists, politicians and?
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Silent and lethal: How quiet corruption undermines Africa's development efforts
The corruption that often captures newspaper headlines and provokes worldwide public disapproval is dominated by loud “big-time corruption,” notably administrative and political corruption at the highest government levels.
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Forum Syd Africa: Social accountability baseline study in Tanzania
16 March 2010
Forum Syd is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to carry out a baseline study for the Social Accountability Program in Tanzania.
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Parliament and the MDGs in the context of the changing aid architecture: prioritizing South-South cooperation and NEPAD
March 2010
AWEPA and the Spanish Senate hosted the EU Presidency Seminar on Africa entitled “Parliament and the MDGs in the Context of the Changing Aid Architecture: Prioritizing South-South Cooperation and NEPAD”.
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E-Learning toolkit on the Citizen Report Card (CRC) methodology
The CRC methodology is based on the premise that feedback on service quality, collected from communities with the help of a sample survey, provides a reliable basis for communities and local governments to engage in a dialogue and partnership action to improve the delivery of public services. ?
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The governments accountability report 2008/09
March 2010
This is the fifth year since Government formally moved to a system of Programme Budgeting. This move changed the essence of the budgeting approach from a budget system based on the cost of desired inputs to a budget system linked to the results expected from the proposed expenditure.
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Understanding the national budget: a citizens budget for Namibia
Matthias Schmidt, February 2010
This briefing paper makes the case for the introduction of a Citizens Budget for Namibia. Such an easy-to-read, simple overview of the budget highlights would allow a larger share of Namibians to understand the National Budget and make their voices heard when it comes to formulating its priorities. ?
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CSOs national consultation meeting on Mkukuta assessment findings
January 2010
Fifty fiverepresentatives of Civil Society Organisations attended a national consultative meeting in Dar es Salaam from the 18th to 19th of January, 2010 to discuss the MKUKUTA review studies results that will be used to inform on the next drafting of MKUKUTA II.
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Enhancing Accountability in Public Service Delivery through Social Audits: A case study of Andhra Pradesh, India
Ritesh Singh and Vinay Vutukuru, 18 January 2010
The paper examines the effectiveness of social audit as a tool to enhance accountability by measuring the impact of social audit on the implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the flagship employment guarantee program of the Government of India, in the state of Andhra Pradesh,?
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Budgeting for children in Africa: concept and framework for analysis
Shimelis Tsegaye and Yehualashet Mekonen, 2010
To inform the writing of the African Report on Child Wellbeing 2011, a number of technical papers on budgeting and related topics were written by ACPF experts and other renowned scholars who are knowledgeable on the subject. This publication entitled "Budgeting for Children in Africa: Concept and?
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Local Governance Support Program
30 December 2009
The USAID/Indonesia Local Governance Support Program (LGSP)1 led by RTI International supported “expanding participatory, effective and accountable governance” through an integrated set of assistance activities engaged with local governments (LGs), legislative councils, and civil society organizations?
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Baseline Scoping Study, Citizen perceptions of public accountability and potential for public action
December 2009
Purpose: This report was commissioned by the NTA (National Taxpayers Association) to gauge citizen perceptions of public accountability in Kenya. The study will be used to design a more comprehensive quantitative survey to inform strategy and mechanisms for improved citizen participation?
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Citizen's Report Card on Rural Roads, Getting value for money on investments in rural roads infrastructure
December 2009
In 2008/09 the National Taxpayers Association (NTA) undertook an assessment of roads infrastructure across Kenya to gain an in-depth understanding of the extent to which the Government of Kenya and citizens (who pay for roads infrastructure through taxes) were getting value for money.
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Idasa's preliminary submission to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) regarding the application by Eskom for a Multi-Year Price Determination 2010/11 to 2012/13 (MYPD 2)
30 November 2009
These preliminary submissions are presented by Idasa in response to the invitation by NERSA to comment on Eskom's application for a multi-year determination regarding the amounts it charges for electricity (referred to as the "MYPD 2" or the "tariff application"). Idasa acts as secretariat to the?
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Small-scale agriculture in Southern Africa
November 2009
Idasa’s Public Expenditure and Smallholder Agriculture Project held a conference with the theme, Governance and Small Scale Agriculture in Southern Africa, from November 9-11, 2009. The aim of the conference was to facilitate deliberations on topical agriculture-related issues that affect?
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Constituency Development Funds: scoping paper
6 November 2009
Constituency Development Fund (CDF) schemes are decentralisation initiatives which send funds from the central government to each constituency for expenditure on development projects intended to address particular local needs. A key feature of CDF schemes is that Members of Parliament (MP) typically?
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Sector budget support in practice: local government sector in Tanzania
Per Tidemand, November 2009
This desk study examines the support to Local Government Capital Development Grants (LGCDG) System in Tanzania as a case study of Sector Budget Support.
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A users' guide to measuring local governance
Alexandra Wilde, Shipra Narang, Marie Laberge, Luisa Moretto, 2009
This Guide is intended to respond to an increasing demand from UNDP Country Offices and a wide range of national stakeholders for guidance on the multiplicity of tools and methods that are being used to measure, assess and monitor governance at the local level. The Guide uses the term ‘local governance’?
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State of Local Government in South Africa - Overview Report: National State of Local Government
Local government in South Africa has contributed to the achievement of a number of significant social and economic development advances, since the ushering in of the new democratic municipal dispensation in December 2000. The majority of our people have increased access to a wide range of basic services?
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Our water, our waste, our town: supporting civil society to engage in urban water and sanitation reforms
22 October 2009
Our water, our waste, our town is a guidance and training manual for civil society organisations showing methods and tactics that can be used in taking action to reform urban water and sanitation utitilies.
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Improving government performance: our approach
September 2009
Government must be more effective in its actions. It must improve the quality of its services. Since 1994 we have successfully expanded access to services. The quality of services has however often been below standard. Massive increases in expenditure on services have not always brought the results?
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Green Paper: National Strategic Planning
September 2009
Growth and development require a long term perspective to frame shorter term trade-offs. A long term plan helps focus government and society to deal with the inevitable short term turbulences in a nation’s progress.
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Guidance notes on services for the urban poor:a practical guide for improving water supply and sanitation services
August 2009
To meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for water supply and sanitation, project planners and service providers and the poor themselves in developing countries will have to overcome a number of barriers that impede the improvement of services for the poor. These Guidance Notes identify a number?
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The Budgeting Process and the Implications on Social Policies and Poverty Reduction: Alternatives to Traditional Models (Draft)
Cristina Bloj, July 2009
This paper analyzes the key aspects of the budget process, the conditions and players necessary for its execution, and the different management models that have evolved. It gives an overview of the debates regarding the budget process and budgeting approaches, with special focus on two alternative?
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Piloting social accountability in Ethiopia: analytical report with case studies
Gerhard Mai, Lulit Mitik and Workneh Denekew, June 2009
The Protection of Basic Services (PBS) – Ethiopian Social Accountability Project (ESAP) was designed to engage citizens and CSOs in pilot activities to enhance budget literacy and downward accountability in the context of decentralized service delivery.
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A Citizens' Guide to understanding the 2009 federal budget
The Federal Budget is the Federal Government's instrument for allocating public resources among the nation's competing socio-economic needs. It is a financial representation of government's spending plans for delivering public goods and services to our key stakeholders - Nigerian citizens.
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Dignity through Discourse: Poverty and the Culture of Deliberation in Indian Village Democracies
Vijayendra Rao and Paromita Sanyal, May 2009
Employing a view of culture as a communicative phenomenon involving discursive engagement, which is deeply influenced by social and economic inequalities, the authors argue that the struggle to break free of poverty is as much a cultural process as it is political and economic.
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Restoring confidence and increasing responsiveness in state and local government through conditional grants: the experience of Nigeria
Jonathan Phillips, 5 May 2009
Nigeria’s Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS) emerged out of (i) the backdrop of an inefficient and top-down public service in which citizens had for long periods lost confidence, (ii) the recognition of the central role of the country’s federal structure to public service delivery, and (iii) the opportunity?
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Prticas e Procedimentos Oramentais em frica 2008
14 April 2009
A Iniciativa Colaborativa para a Reforma Oramental em frica (CABRI) trata-se de uma rede pan-africana de tcnicos superiores do oramento afectos aos ministrios das finanas e/ ou do planeamento, criada como plataforma para os seus membros partilharem experincias em matria de programas de reforma?
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Budget Practices and Procedures in Africa 2008
14 April 2009
The Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI) is a pan-African network of senior budget officials in ministries of finance and/or planning, created as a platform for its members to share experiences on budget reform programmes and to contribute towards the efficacy of public finance management?
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Evaluation of municipal services in selected wards in Dhaka City Corporation: citizen's perspectives
Mohammad Shakil Akther, Ishrat Islam and Md Musleh Uddin Hasan, April 2009
Dhaka city is the home of more than five million and is one of the most densely populated cities of the world. Dhaka City Corporation is responsible for providing various services to its citizen with its limited resources. ‘Citizen Report Card' is one of the new methods to measure the performance?
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Welcome to the Ninth Edition of the Africa Local Government Action Forum (ALGAF)
6 February 2009
The Municipal Development Partnership for Eastern and Southern Africa (MDP-ESA) is happy to announce and welcome old and new members to the ninth edition of ALGAF which runs from February to November 2009. This edition is divided into four modules on: (a) Corruption; (b) Crime Violence and Security;?
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Citizen’s Constituency Development Fund Report Card for Othaya Constituency
December 2008
This Citizen Report Card (CRC) has been researched and published by the National Taxpayers Association (NTA) to sensitize citizens, elected officials, and civil society rganisations on the management of devolved funds, and the provision of district services.
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Citizen's report card on urban water, sanitation and solid waste services in Kenya: summary of results from Nairobi
1 December 2008
In 2006, a range of locally based stakeholders in Nairobi launched a Citizen Report Card (CRC) to obtain citizen's experiences on water supply, sanitation and solid waste services.
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Disparities Exist in Citizens' Perceptions of Service Delivery by Local Government Authorities in Tanzania
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Lucas Katera and Erasto Ngalewa, November 2008
This brief compares Tanzanian citizens' perceptions of service delivery by local government authorities between 2003 and 2006; summarising their perceptions of the overall quality of local services, as well as their satisfaction with services in the three key sectors of education, health and water.
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Know your service rights campaign
15 October 2008
The Know Your Service Rights Campaign is one of the four strategic thrusts identified to compliment and strengthen the government's drive to revitilise the promotion and implementation of Batho Pele within the public service as per the Cabinet resolution of the 04th of August 2004. |
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Towards a Fifteen Year Review
1 October 2008
The Government today (1 October 2008) released the results of the Fifteen Year Review which it initiated in 2007. It takes stock of progress, since the attainment of democracy, in achieving the objective of improving the quality of life of all South Africans. |
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Conference on Access to Development Funding for Local Government in Africa
17 September 2008
The declaration of the Conference on Access to Development Funding for Local Government in Africa, Johannesburg, 15-17 September 2008 and full summary of the conference outcomes |
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Strengthening sub-national governance for poverty reduction: innovations and impact
11 September 2008
This Conference seeks to highlight the strategic and practical experiences, best practice, and lessons learned by prominent national organizations and international development agencies in promoting more effective and impactful sub-national governance aimed at reducing extreme poverty and inequality.? |
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Aid, service delivery, and the millennium development goals in an economy-wide framework
Francois Bourguignon, Carolina Diaz-Bonilla, and Hans Lofgren, 1 July 2008
In many developing countries, achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 will require significant increases in expenditures on social services and in foreign assistance. |
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Fourth annual forum on reform and modernization of public administration and governance
Rapporteur: Prof C Thornhill, 16 June 2008
The Fourth Annual Forum on Reform and Modernization of Public Administration and Governance organized by CAFRAD was held from 16-17 June 2008 at Tangier (Morocco). The Forum was organised to open a discussion on the building of partnerships between the public and private sectors to improve public administration? |
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Disabilities among refugees and conflict-affected populations: A resource kit for fieldworkers
June 2008
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 7 and 10 percent of the world’s population live with disabilities. As such, it can be assumed that between 2.5 and 3.5 million of the world’s 35 million displaced persons also live with disabilities. Among displaced persons who have fled civil? |
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Participatory Water Monitoring: a guide for preventing and managing conflict
June 2008
Participatory water monitoring has an especially important role to play in reducing or avoiding water-related conflict in large-scale, intensive development projects. Conflict tends to arise in situations where expectations are not being met, information is not available, stakeholder engagement is?
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Devolution, accountability, and service delivery: Some insights from Pakistan
Zahid Hasnain, April 2008
This paper studies the relationship between devolution, accountability, and service delivery in Pakistan. It examines the degree of accessibility of local policymakers and the level of competition in local elections, the expenditure patterns of local governments to gauge their sector priorities, and? |
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Participatory Budgeting in Peru: 2003-2008
Roger Salhuana Cavides, March 2008
Background 2000-2004 concerns Democracy, Growth of the economy and of government funds, and Concern for quality of government spending. |
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African good practices which promote transparency, accountability and participation in municipal public expenditure management and service delivery
Hon. Musoni Protais , March 2008
Objectives of the paper: To present good African practices for policy reforms to promote: Transparency, Accountability and Participation in Municipal Public Expenditure Management and Service Delivery; and to deliberate on the challenges encountered and propose possible solutions for Africa good practices? |
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Budget demystification and budget transparency in Malawi
Alfred WD Chanza, March 2008
Budget - Important instrument that every government uses. |
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The social audit guide: a handbook for communities
Wanjiru Gikonyo, February 2008
This handbook is designed to assist community groups and individuals to understand the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) process and to provide information and skills on how to monitor these funds through a process known as social auditing.
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In the know: Using information to make better decisions
February 2008
When decision makers use information well, local public services improve.
The quality and cost of our local public services depend upon the decisions that many people make: users make choices; professionals exercise judgement; managers prioritise; and politicians allocate resources. Using information? |
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Decentralisation and gender: Co-ordination and co-operation on maternal health issues in selected district councils in Tanzania
This empirical study looks at coordination and cooperation within five district councils in Tanzania with a special focus on efforts to reduce maternal mortality.
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Some recent experience in Community Voice Card: An innovative tool towards assessing service delivery for MDGs
Neela Mukherjee, 2008
Community Voice Card (CVC) is emerging as a handy tool for peoples’ assessment of delivery of services by different agencies, whether government, non-government or private agencies. Peoples’ views are important as they are the main clienteles and stakeholders of the development process. The scope of? |
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The use of quantitative and qualitative survey results to influence policy: The case of Participatory Service Delivery (PSDA) in Zanzibar
Slaus T. Mwisomba, November 2007
When the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (RGOZ) was reviewing its first generation Zanzibar Poverty Reduction Plan (PRSP) in its Swahili acronym MKUZA, it was found out that its M&E could only track inputs, outputs, outcome and impact. Inputs are the resources that are needed to implement plan activities.? |
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Assessing and improving governance for results-based management: ensuring good governance for effective service delivery
Musoni Protais (Government of Rwanda), November 2007
Ensuring Good Governance
- Elements of Good Governance Programme
- Partnerships
- Legal Reforms
- Decentralization Framework
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Blind Spot: Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
Elizabeth Stuart, September 2007
It seems impossible that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) would give advice to developing countries without fully considering how it might affect the lives of poor people. Yet, despite it being a long-stated policy of both institutions to do so, and some recent progress on the part? |
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Gender-responsive budgets in the commonwealth progress report: 2005-2007
September 2007
At the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting in 2005, Ministers recognised the critical importance of gender-responsive budgets (GRBs) and the need for progress and sustainability on this issue. The Ministers therefore agreed to report on progress biennially at the Finance Ministers Meeting, with the? |
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